A collection of writings and resources that explore ethical digital marketing patterns and techniques, and opinionated thoughts on the current state of digital marketing, content authoring and online communication.


Tools for green marketing.

Cloudflare Zaraz, a third-party script manager

Zaraz loads third-party tools in the cloud, away from browsers, improving speed, security, and privacy.

Turnstile, a free CAPTCHA replacement

Cloudflare Turnstile delivers frustration-free, CAPTCHA-free web experiences to website visitors – with just a simple snippet of free code.


My name is Jayadeep Thum, and Magnettic is a collection of writings and resources that explore ethical digital marketing patterns and techniques, and opinionated thoughts on the current state of digital marketing, content authoring and online communication.

I also write about WordPress over at wird.co/blog and about everything else on oddmint.com.